Recent planning applications
Description: Non-Material Amendment to Approved P/A 3/15/0332/OUT (Part demolish 24A Stour View Gardens and Workshop. Form access off Stour View Gardens with alteration to access of 24A Stour View Gardens and construct three detached dwellings with garaging and bin store) to remove the word "Bungalows" from the description and replace with "Dwellings"
Address: Land off Stour View Gardens
Corfe Mullen
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/NMA/2025/01707
Description: Erect single storey front extension and new driveway
Address: 8 Primrose Way
Corfe Mullen
BH21 3NT
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/HOU/2025/01558
Description: Erection of annexe ancillary to the main dwellinghouse
Address: 126 Springdale Road
Corfe Mullen
BH21 3QL
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/HOU/2025/01435
Description: Erect single storey rear extension (demolish existing).
Address: 4 Highfield Close
Corfe Mullen
BH21 3PJ
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/HOU/2025/01468
Description: T1 Beech - Reduce lower overextended secondary and tertiary branches by 1m growing towards property at approximately 5m up to 8m from ground level.
T2 Oak - Reduce lower overextended secondary and tertiary branches by 1m growing towards property at approximately 5m up to 8m from ground level.
T3 Beech - Reduce lower overextended secondary and tertiary branches by 1m growing towards property at approximately 5m up to 8m from ground level.
T4 Beech (located 157 Springdale Road) - Remove lower branches back to main stem. (Yellow crosses in attached photograph shows selected branches.)
T5 Beech (25 Beech Close located just beyond boundary line) - Fell.
Address: 43 Gladelands Way Corfe Mullen BH18 9JB, 157 Springdale Road Corfe Mullen BH21 3QQ and 25 Beech Close Corfe Mullen BH 18 9NJ
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/TRT/2025/00955
Description: Demolish existing dwelling and erect 2no 4 bedroom chalet bungalows with associated access (with variation of conditions 2 & 9 of planning permission P/FUL/2024/02599 to vary the plans to amend the site plan so a new second vehicular access can be formed.
Address: 32 Highfield Road
Corfe Mullen
BH21 3PF
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/VOC/2025/00519
Description: Erect detached two storey dwelling and associated works
Address: 9 South Road
Corfe Mullen
BH21 3HY
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/OUT/2025/00633
Description: Use of a caravan for residential occupation
Address: Utopia
Brickyard Lane
Corfe Mullen
BH21 3RJ
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/CLE/2025/01176
Description: T1 Oak - Remove branch overhanging 118 Roman Road.
Address: Land to front of 116 Roman Road
BH18 9JR
Decision date: 24/03/2025
Ref. No: P/TRT/2025/01035
Decision: Tree Works - TPO - Split
Description: Development of the existing attached garage and conservatory into a habitable living area.
Address: 74 Wimborne Road
Corfe Mullen
BH21 3EA
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/HOU/2024/07469
Description: Planning application to extend and renovate the existing bungalow, sever land and erect a detached bungalow with car parking and shared vehicular access
Address: 11 Highfield Close
Corfe Mullen
BH21 3PJ
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/FUL/2025/00278
Description: Erect front extension. Demolition of rear extension and reprovision of family/dining room. New lifted roof to provide 3 new bedrooms and erect side extension to provide garage, utility room and kitchen. New vehicular access on Newlands Way
Address: 21 Maxwell Road
Corfe Mullen
BH18 9JG
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/HOU/2025/00972
Description: T1 Scots Pine - Remove deadwood and inspect for damage.
T2 Lawson Cypress - Fell. Replant with Scots Pine.
T3 Scots Pine - Reduce over extended limbs growing towards house, and one limb growing towards drive by 1.5-2m. Remove deadwood and inspect for damage.
T4 Lawson Cypress - Fell. Replant with Scots Pine.
Address: Knoll Cottage
Knoll Lane
Corfe Mullen
BH21 3RF
Decision date: 11/03/2025
Ref. No: P/TRT/2025/00814
Decision: Tree Works - TPO - Consent
Description: T1 Oak - Remove major deadwood. Crown lift 5.2m over road and 3m over driveway by removing tertiary and secondary branches only. Clear phones lines by up to 1m by pruning to suitable growth points.
Address: 21 Beacon Road
Corfe Mullen
BH18 9JL
Decision date: 18/03/2025
Ref. No: P/TRT/2025/00930
Decision: Tree Works - TPO - Split
Description: Porch enlargement and replacement of flat roof to pitched roof. Conversion of garage to play room.
Address: 48 Phelipps Road
Corfe Mullen
BH21 3NW
Decision date: 24/03/2025
Ref. No: P/HOU/2025/00817
Decision: Granted
Description: Erect a single-storey, flat-roof side extension to the existing kitchen with two skylights
Address: 17 Corfe Lodge Road
Corfe Mullen
BH18 9NF
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/HOU/2025/00678
Description: Erection of replacement outbuilding and retrospective permission for foundations/base
Address: Gilleve
Beacon Hill Road
Corfe Mullen
BH21 3RU
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/HOU/2025/00786
Description: Extend building to front elevation level with existing building line. Form room in new roof to front. Flat roof extension to rear. Form car port in front of existing garage.
Address: 10 Highfield Close
Corfe Mullen
BH21 3PJ
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/HOU/2025/00725
Description: Removal of payphone
Address: 61 Wareham Road
Corfe Mullen
BH21 3JX
Decision date: 01/01/1970
Ref. No: P/NOTP/2025/00621
Description: T63 Monterey Pine: Remove defective branches - lowest limb on south over private garden. Remove hanging/broken branches - on lower S/W canopy over private garden.
T64 Monterey Pine: Reduce/shorten stem with hazard beam and lowest limb on north over highway up to 6m. Tip/shorten overextended lateral branch over highway by 1m.
T65 Monterey Pine: Remove major deadwood.
Address: Highway verge adjacent 94 Wareham Road
Corfe Mullen
BH21 3LQ
Decision date: 03/02/2025
Ref. No: P/TRD/2025/00560
Decision: Tree Works - Reg 14 - Does not require consent