
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

In a nutshell, a Neighbourhood Plan puts in place planning policy for a Designated Neighbourhood Area in order to guide and influence future growth and development.

A Steering Group oversees the process of creating the Plan and drives the progress of its production. Individual members of the Steering Group will lead on particular topic areas in line with their experience and expertise and also carry out public engagements throughout the Parish to get to hear YOUR views and what YOUR vision of the future of Corfe Mullen looks like.

The existence of a Neighbourhood Plan for Corfe Mullen relies totally on community involvement. In view of this, the Steering Group needs to know what you think. What is your vision for the future of Corfe Mullen?

Once completed and published, the Corfe Mullen Neighbourhood Plan will become an integral part of the Dorset Council Local Plan, thereby adding important local detail to strategic planning policies.

The Corfe Mullen Neighbourhood Plan will set out planning policies that protect our valued green spaces and viewpoints, while also promoting biodiversity. It will have influence over housing, in terms of size, scale and type, while conserving local character and protecting our heritage assets. Did you know we have twelve Grade II listed buildings in Corfe Mullen?

The Corfe Mullen Neighbourhood Plan will encourage sustainable transport, walking, cycling, and public transport. It will promote the Parish as a base for visitors; identify community facilities needed; support local businesses and attract new ones to the neighbourhood area.

Have Your Say

Corfe Mullen Sign

The Steering Group welcomes you to ‘have your say’ on the future development of Corfe Mullen over the next 20 years. This is your opportunity to tell us what you think are the priorities for the future of Corfe Mullen, and to express your views on all matters related to our community.

The Corfe Mullen Neighbourhood Plan will contain planning policies which, once agreed by the community, will help guide and influence planning applications and how our land is used over the next 20 years.

Here is your chance to have a say about what housing developments should look like, how they are designed, and what infrastructure should be delivered alongside them.

The short survey should take around only 5 minutes to complete.

Thank you.

Join the Steering Group

Are you passionate about shaping the future of our community?

By joining the Corfe Mullen Neighbourhood Plan steering group, you can have a direct impact on the development and planning of our parish. Not only will you have the opportunity to influence important decisions, you will also make a positive difference in your community.

We need help with engaging local people, groups and businesses. If you have a local interest in any of our key themes, please do get in touch.

Key Themes

  • Housing Design and Heritage
  • Community and Facilities
  • Environment and Green Spaces
  • Getting Around
  • Local Economy and Town Centre

Don’t miss out on this chance to make a lasting impact – join the steering group today!

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