What We Do
Corfe Mullen Town Council aims to represent the interests of the residents of the village as a whole and to preserve the environment for the enjoyment of its residents, visitors and future generations. We offer a range of services and also work in partnership with other councils and organisations in the village.
The Council is always keen to ensure that its priorities and initiatives reflect the wishes of the electorate: all meetings are open to the public and councillors may be contacted if you have any ideas for Corfe Mullen or an issue which we can help with. Or pop in to the Council office with your suggestions.
We are here to help
Our Council office is open to assist you with a wide range of information about services and facilities in Corfe Mullen. Whether you need guidance on local amenities, or advice on Town Council or Dorset Council services, our team is ready to help.
Council Office Opening Hours:
Monday to Thursday: 9am -2pm.
Visit us during office hours, or contact us online. We are dedicated to helping you make the most of what Corfe Mullen has to offer.
For more details about our services and facilities, please feel free to contact us directly or explore the rest of our website.
Your Local Council Responsibilities
What is a Town or Parish Council?
Civil Parishes are a fundamental tier of Local Government set up in 1894, not to be confused with Ecclesiastical Parishes of the Anglican Church. Each has its own democratically elected local council in accordance with statute. These are called either Parish or Town Councils. There is no difference between Parish and Town Councils: Town councils are just Parish councils which, because of their population, size and impact in their area, have by resolution of their Council taken the name of Town Council, and their Chair may also be called the Mayor.
Parish and Town Councils are first-tier local authorities and although they have few duties compared to principal authorities (Dorset Council as the Unitary Authority), they have surprisingly wide powers. This means they can choose to provide a range of services, either on their own or in partnership with principal authorities. So keen and active Town and Parish councils can make a real difference to life in a village or town.
Parish and Town Councils also have a right to be consulted on issues affecting the village: this includes the right to comment on all planning applications, proposed off licences, roads, landfill sites etc.
Parish and Town Councils are funded through the precept which is collected as part of your Council Tax.